Dear Dublin,

Dear Dublin,
Today I woke up at 15.30 and went to bed at 03.00 so 12 ½ hours of sleep.
I was supposed to get up early and that went fine so yeah haha. But tomorow I'm going into town to buy a pair of black slacks for the interview at Olympia Theatre.
So basically me and Eve have only been eating cookies today and I've been playing WoW and watched L Word.
Also I'm scared of the new Facebook. And I made pancakes for us both.
So yeah. Up earlier tomorow, much earlier and get out of my slacker clothes, we've had pyjamas on more or less since we came back from Belfast - Eve even went out with them when we were trying to find a 24/7 store.
I found a gym though, a really fresh gym that's close by so when i get a job i will definately get a membership and start training - also stop smoking.
We're actually going back to Belfast soon again because this time it's Jordans birthday. I kind of enjoy Belfast since we know more people there now than in Dublin. So I do have a project to find people in Dublin - Couchsurfing of course but we tend to fail remembering the meetings.
Meeting people out haven't really worked so far, don't think meeting friends out on a bar is the right thing to do.

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