The amount of rain today has been ridiculous.
For real.
The whole town is flooded and the trams stopped working and me and Eve was absolutely soaked when we got home.
We had to jump off at Museum and walk to Heuston through an actual stream/flood that went up to our knees, got our shoes under the radiator now because hopefully they will be able to dry until tomorow - they won't.
Find enclosed a few videos of the weather today that doesn't really show exactly how bad it is, some parts in the first video does though.
Otherwise we got the lack of pay sorted out at work. And I bought some I.D foundations finaly and cried over lack of money.
I hope I'll get barwork and more hours at the Academy, I don't feel like getting a second job if it doesn't fall straigh into my lap.
We also bought food for the first time in ...weeks and I made beef soup that tasted shit, not beause of my cooking skills cause they're great but irish mince is the worst thing ever.
We're also looking for a Halloween Party friday because both of us are working Saturday, sad face.
Also today I met Patrick Wolf, it was preeeetty sweet if you ask me, another perk of working at a night club. Evelina was a bore though and didn't want to stay at work and see him. Sad face and I didn't feel like going alone.

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