Dear damaged Dublin,

Why does everything hurt so darn bad. I've had some pretty intense shoulder and back pain now for a few weeks which gives me this feeling that someone is drilling a hole in my temples and I just popped my hip getting out of the sofa as any other 80 year old lady.
And then my retarded ankle and leg and knees and hamstrings.
Big dysfunctional mess of meat is what I am.

Me and Eve are both of 2 days now and we were planning to do some shopping (radiator) and perhaps swing by IKEA. It would be so much easier if we had a car. Because we can't carry the amount of food we want to buy, or like 10 liters of Julmust (Christmas must?!)
and meatballs, gingerbread cookies, saffron buns and all that.
GEEEEZ, headache is getting pretty intense D:, and yes I'm gonna whine about it because I've had it for several days now.
What we also will do is buy a milkshake from the place that has about 100 different flavors.

I went for a chocolate fudge brownie milkshake,
Eve was boring and chose Rasberry.
I think I might go for the apple pie with cinnamon milkshake next time,
just because.
Pain. Head. Need milkshake now.

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