Dear Dublin,
Today we went into town and got our P.P.S numbers fixed, took about 3 hours of waiting and 2 minutes of filling out the forms so I will probably start emailing my CV to different kinds of Swedish Tech Support and hope for the best.
Today we went into town and got our P.P.S numbers fixed, took about 3 hours of waiting and 2 minutes of filling out the forms so I will probably start emailing my CV to different kinds of Swedish Tech Support and hope for the best.
Then we also found Primark so I'm gonna go crazy there a bit, even thouh I have to pay more than 200 Euro for a smaller car accident I had earlier this year and Tv -licence in Sweden, and also for a meeting a forgot with the doctor so I really really need a job at the moment.
Then we just did some walking around Grafton street which is a very nice place and also accidentaly found Oscar Wilde.
Then we just did some walking around Grafton street which is a very nice place and also accidentaly found Oscar Wilde.
Kära Dublin,
Idag gick vi in till stan för att ansöka om P.P.S nummer, det var ungefär 3 timmars väntan och 2 minuter av att fylla i formuläret, ikväll ska jag försöka skicka iväg mitt CV till olika företag med swedish tech support och hoppas på det bästa.
Vi hittade Primark så jag tänkte shoppa där imorgon även fast jag fick en fin räkning på 2000 kr för en liten bilolycka jag hade i somras, suger något fruktansvärt. Sen en jäkla Tv-license och ett möte med dokorn jag glömde bort, so jobb jobb jobb.
Efter vi var klara med det begav vi oss till Grafton street som är ett mysigt område och stötte på Oscar Wilde.
Me and Oscar Wilde
Evelina got tired of me taking pictures of her allt he time and told me to take pictures of myself
Coffee at a mall
Reunited with my fear of hights
We got our P.P.S numbers today, waited for 3 hours took 2 minutes to fill out the forms.