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Popping Pills
Also I had a slip in my whole - try to eat Vegan as much as possible (it happens on occasion that I have chocolate, because the vegan chocolate at the store is way too expensive) but shoving down a tuna bagel and a chicken wrap is more than a slip. But at the same time its perfetly fine food going in the bin. And I did manage to not eat meat for about 5 months now. So I probably won't get cancer and die.
My conscious took a turn though. Also today I have a headache for the first time in over 5 months and I can feel a cold coming on. That happened last time I had somethig animal based too. Should be enough to get me back on track. A reminder that I would normally have intense headaches that could last for upto 2 weeks.
Not having meat for that is worth it. Without doubt.
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Kate Nash

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The George with the ladies.

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Photos from my walk home from work.

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Eurovision last weekend

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Dear desperate Dublin
I'm trying to figure out what's bothering me the most about the whole thing.
Because even though I feel allright at the moment I know myself well enough, that I just push everything aside to deal with it in another lifetime, though it doesn't necessarely last that long.
Or maybe it will pass with just a light, uneasy feeling in my chest on and off for a few more days.
It's like a membrane around the whole thing,
like when you drink alcohol and follow it with cream to keep it all intact,
but all you need is a dash of orange juice and the whole fasade will collaps and intoxicate you.
That's exactly how it will be I think.
I narrowed it down to the fact that it bothers me that I never got a real person you know,
I got scraps - if even that.
Even though I was in a position to get the best part.
I was supposed to get the best parts and I guess that's why you stick around longer than you might have wanted to, because you wait for your promotion in someones emotional life.
And then you never did, even though you really should have..like really really? If someone is great. You should have.
When they tell you things that make you believe you are on top of the stair but their actions tell you the difference and that's pretty unfair if you ask me.
And I only got scraps, I was the only one who got scraps
and instead of getting that promotion I worked so hard for months, I get emotionally fired instead.
I don't fail that's the thing.
I don't get D's on my tests, I'm stubborn and I don't give up
and I don't get emotionally fired from the bottom of the employee chart.
Screw emotions and love - This is a failure and I don't flipping fail and that is why I'm angry.
Fucking people, right?
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So darkness I became,

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Photos Mad Hatters Tea Party, Phoenix Park.

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Cause your smile is beautiful and it makes me happy.

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Actually I think I might keep the bottle to myself.

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Ben Howard 02/03 2012 The Academy

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Dear Skyping Dublin

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Dear Dublin Tuesday

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Ham Sandwich @ The Academy

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Dear depressing Dublin,

Which I am very happy about.
I'm gonna buy some more happiness for the money I'll earn.
Evelina doesn't seem to belive that I'm cursed.
But I had a realisation this morning.
And I am.
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Dear Dublin,
Also.. to exchange my entire wardrobe. Sick of the clothes I have so I might just bring everything back home and change it. Gonna be gooood.
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Dear Florence Welsch,
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