I decided to continue with this blog even though I don't live in Dublin anymore.
Not that I wrote a lot for an entire year in Dublin but it's kind of fun to look through. Now what should I call Stavanger? Schena Stavanger. Schabba Stavanger. Sassy Stavanger. Sodding Stavanger. Slobby Stavanger. Saggy Stavanger. Splendid Stavanger. Super Stavanger. Secret Stavanger. Slow Stavanger. Definately Slow Stavanger.
In this exact moment I wonder why I don't just pack my things and go back. Well money is always the answer. But I mean it's been 5 weeks and I haven't started working yet and I have no motivation to get work in this city but then again have no capital to start all over in Dublin when waiting for a job. But at the same time my creativity is coming back to me. I want to take photos but it's frustrating cause I have no one to take pictures of. I should write it all down at least so I have it in case I run into a depraved soul like myself who would want to do more than just take standard portraits.
I'm sick of doubting myself. If so many others can make it so can I, I just wish I knew how to start. But I can definately do it. Maybe in January it's time. If I start working a little. I have my eyes on a new lens. Until then I can just continue thinking until my brain explodes.