Dear depressing Dublin,
So today after 2 months in Ireland I made the very depressing mistake of counting what I've spend money on.

Basically a lot of money are gone and most of it was cash so probably cigarettes and alcohol. That doesn't mean that I didn't use my card on alcohol as well, because I did.
Having a self-intervention at the moment. Decided to do small things different.
Like if we go to party we're starting in the apartment with a cheap bottle of wine.
I'm going to start bringing food to work, as well as coffee. And I've stopped smoking.
It's so strange because I used to be able to live on like 300 euro a month (bu then I used to keep busy by training every day) and now it's like 2 times more than that. Jeez. Not like we make great money at the Academy either, this week I did get 30 hours though which I'm very happy about.
If anyone loves me you could always send me a thermos haha.
Or a lunchbox.
It's hard growing up. Prefered when I used to bathed in money hahaha.