Dear dazzling Dublin,
So today me and Eve did some shopping. It was supposed to be "things we really need" kind of shopping.

But no. I spended for example 15 Euro on Sushi, but to be fair...I haven't had sushi since Shanghai and it was good sushi.
Well I would say that the flanell shirt is for survival because I miss my collection back home. Also the peacock feather to wear in my hair is necessary. True story.
I saw a street musician who looked like Ronald Weasleys mother and was playing the harp - Only in Ireland.
Except for the shirt I also bought a sweater for work. A tanktop for work, a handbag I don't need, but the color is fascinating. I just wish that All the Leprechaun gold will fall over me. Or that someone ships my whole closet here for free. BEING POOR DOESN'T SUIT ME DAMN IT. I really really regret not taking better care of the money I earned during summer, I've counted on it so many times as well and still don't understand. Except for the laptop, the broken harddrive and when I kinda crashed into another car hehhhh. Didn't bring far enough clothes and I'm getting bored with wearing the same clothes all the time. It was alright in China because we were training all the time anyway and it's...alright I guess here as well because we're working during the night and sleeping during the day and now we're gonna wear elf suits anyway.
Seems like my entire family is on the run as well.
My sister just came back from Turkey. Dad left for Thailand. My mother left Norway for Croatia, Croatia for Spain and now Spain for Italy to my other sister who lives in Italy haha.
I'm not coming home for Christmas Eve, don't know what to do here to be honest. I know there's a christmas party at work, sounds like fun actually haha! And a dinner for all us people who don't have our family here.
Well the list of things I need to buy is still long:
Oil-radiator so I don't die
Black boots (which are impossible to find)
Black coat
(the expensive red coat I found that's so beautiful)
Black pants
Swedish food from IKEA
Ghostbus tour ticket
Dublin Zoo ticket
I wanna go horseriding and rollerskating in a rink and I wanna wanna wannaaaa thank laaaaaaaurd I got a second job for 5 weeks.

Postat av: Gabriella
Varför gör du mig ledsen? Kom hem!!!
Förresten, gabakeehh och det där du skrev tar jag som en komplimang, tack!
Jag var på tv för vi var på en tv-inspelning av ett program som heter Lydverket:) MISS YOU