I'm going through maybe 800 gb of photos to see which ones are worthy of a spot in my portfolio
when you go through 7 years worth of photos you also go through 7 years of relationships.
Is it weird to miss all of them in a way?
I'm also discovering a lot of unpublished photos I really oversaw back in the day.

2012-10-30 @ 23:43:05
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Popping Pills
Just finished watching a BBC documentary that only scratches the surface on the controversy around pill popping.
It didn't go as deep as I would like it to but maybe it's soft enough to ease some stupid people to start thinking outside the box.
Then again the documentary was filled with like 60 year olds seriously thinking they would be dead if it weren't for the averade of 5 pills a day they were taking, Like that we weren't meant to be older than that (you know instead of just eating healthy)
Which is stupid.
Stupid stupid stupid.
People were also asked a question if you could create a pill that would fix anything no one said: Stupidity.
I'd go with that one.
Or the fat woman who's addicted to painkillers cause of pain and I'm like. Well..
if you tried losing 50% of your body weight you might be in less pain, that's a good start.
No Doctor wouldn't say that of course, because that MIGHT be offending.
Could say a lot more about the documentary but just thought I would get that off my chest. Since nobody reads this blog anyway so I can just talk to myself in a creepy way, in English, by myself.
Otherwise I managed to work 35 hours in 3 days which feels good but my body is battered and broken. I haven't used my legs in 2 months and before that I had a job where I sat down for over 8 hours and then took a bus for 2 hours a day so the occasional use of my legs was going to the bar. Where I sat down. I guess I haven't used my legs since The Academy/The Ambassador and If I remember it right.
My sister says it will pass after a month or so. But it's pretty sick that I've let myself go that much. That I'd be in unbelievable pain after standing up more than 5 hours a day. Pathetic!
Also I had a slip in my whole - try to eat Vegan as much as possible (it happens on occasion that I have chocolate, because the vegan chocolate at the store is way too expensive) but shoving down a tuna bagel and a chicken wrap is more than a slip. But at the same time its perfetly fine food going in the bin. And I did manage to not eat meat for about 5 months now. So I probably won't get cancer and die.
Also I had a slip in my whole - try to eat Vegan as much as possible (it happens on occasion that I have chocolate, because the vegan chocolate at the store is way too expensive) but shoving down a tuna bagel and a chicken wrap is more than a slip. But at the same time its perfetly fine food going in the bin. And I did manage to not eat meat for about 5 months now. So I probably won't get cancer and die.
Also a facebook post from Vegan Power fitness showed up on my feed which said: Sometimes you just have to press the restart button and try again.
My conscious took a turn though. Also today I have a headache for the first time in over 5 months and I can feel a cold coming on. That happened last time I had somethig animal based too. Should be enough to get me back on track. A reminder that I would normally have intense headaches that could last for upto 2 weeks.
Not having meat for that is worth it. Without doubt.
My conscious took a turn though. Also today I have a headache for the first time in over 5 months and I can feel a cold coming on. That happened last time I had somethig animal based too. Should be enough to get me back on track. A reminder that I would normally have intense headaches that could last for upto 2 weeks.
Not having meat for that is worth it. Without doubt.
Too bad more people don't realise it.
2012-10-28 @ 14:41:00
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I decided to continue with this blog even though I don't live in Dublin anymore.
Not that I wrote a lot for an entire year in Dublin but it's kind of fun to look through. Now what should I call Stavanger? Schena Stavanger. Schabba Stavanger. Sassy Stavanger. Sodding Stavanger. Slobby Stavanger. Saggy Stavanger. Splendid Stavanger. Super Stavanger. Secret Stavanger. Slow Stavanger. Definately Slow Stavanger.
In this exact moment I wonder why I don't just pack my things and go back. Well money is always the answer. But I mean it's been 5 weeks and I haven't started working yet and I have no motivation to get work in this city but then again have no capital to start all over in Dublin when waiting for a job. But at the same time my creativity is coming back to me. I want to take photos but it's frustrating cause I have no one to take pictures of. I should write it all down at least so I have it in case I run into a depraved soul like myself who would want to do more than just take standard portraits.
I'm sick of doubting myself. If so many others can make it so can I, I just wish I knew how to start. But I can definately do it. Maybe in January it's time. If I start working a little. I have my eyes on a new lens. Until then I can just continue thinking until my brain explodes.