Dear Dublin,
Haven't updated in a while because I was more or less working day and night during the entire December, but my days as Santas elf are over, I enjoyed it though. Gave me a slight case of the baby fever, kids are lovely - most of them. Got a whole week off work. Have spended 2 days doing absolutely fuck all and I'm planning to do so for the next 5 days as well. Well maybe put up the posters the lovely John gave us! That's about it.
Also.. to exchange my entire wardrobe. Sick of the clothes I have so I might just bring everything back home and change it. Gonna be gooood.
Finally got steam.
Finally got Vampire the Masqerade.
A bit worried about the economy since well I may have 1 week without work but..well.. that means no pay either. So I might as well sit on my fat ass and play videogames and eat cereals to spend as little money as possible.
Planned a trip home as well. With a stop in London to say hello to my homegirl Gabbi and Erika, miss them so much so it's gonna be a blast. Last time I was in London was with Erika and obviously we're going back to KOKO club where we had a crazy lovely night.
Looks like I'm going to see the Black Keys with them as well, who I listened to on Spotify and they seem very good so no protests haha.
Mjaumjau miss them so much. Gonna be nice with a little visit to my family as well and the cats of course!
Also.. to exchange my entire wardrobe. Sick of the clothes I have so I might just bring everything back home and change it. Gonna be gooood.
Anyways, me and Eve cooked a typical Christmas dinner for our boyfriends and friend. 2/3 approved so I will say that it's was a success. Also hilarious with the amazment over jam/gravy/mash/meatballs - it is fucking good.
I have Evelina the first issue of Buffy in comic book form and I got a pair of earrings I've been drooling over and a pair of adorable earmuffs to keep my head warm :)
Anyways, yeah. Not much happening. Gonna play shajtloads of games.